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Careful management of subscriptions, licences and access is essential in getting the best value from cloud, writes Rhys Sharp, solution director at Rackspace
Norfolk County Council not only significantly improved services but also saved £1 million per annum by moving from an outsourced managed service to a combination of insourcing and smart sourcing
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Local authorities should bring platform thinking to the centre of their service transformation, writes Ian Robson, business development director of Hitachi Solutions
UKAuthority publisher, Helen Olsen Bedford, puts the questions to the panel at the Fujitsu World Tour debate: Putting Citizens First - The Future of Government Services
Presentations and slides from UKAuthority Digital Health & Social Care
MHCLG chief digital officer Paul Maltby says that there is a huge opportunity to bring housing, planning and land data into the digital age
The Local Digital Fund is a really big opportunity for the sector to help 'fix the plumbing' in local public services, says Paul Maltby, chief digital officer at MHCLG
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