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AI for fast and trusted information

The Virtual Forge's Matt Wicks outlines how AI can safely be harnessed to tame the information mountain

23 July 2024
Stars Prizes Istock 1024014538 Blackmoon9

Prize projects showcase UPRNs in local government

Gayle Gander of GeoPlace highlights some award winning initiatives in the use of unique property reference numbers

02 July 2024
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Join the low code revolution with Power Platform

Jo McGovern, chief operating officer of Marra highlights the advantages of building digital services on Power Platform

24 June 2024
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Delivering the value of APIs in healthcare

Paul Martin, healthcare executive at Cognizant UK, supports the increased use of application programme interfaces in the NHS

20 June 2024
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A data platform for stronger safeguarding

Pulling together data from a range of sources and improving its quality can be a life saver in social services, writes Helena Zaum, business development director at Sentinel Partners


12 June 2024
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Facing up to the public sector’s digital skills gap

Alan Banks, managing director of The Software Institute, highlights the challenges and possible solutions in building an in-house capability

05 June 2024
Procurement Shopping Istock 1194517268 Arkadiusz Wargula

How to create a new art of the possible in public sector procurement

A series of measures are needed to take full advantage of the forthcoming Procurement Act, writes Rikesh Shah, head of the Innovation at the Procurement Empowerment Centre

23 May 2024
Traffic Cones Roadwords Istock 1280016819 Ceri Breeze

Support in utilising data to cut congestion on the roads

Richard Groombridge, strategic product and data development manager at GeoPlace, explains how its street services can help highways authorities keep traffic moving and create healthier environments

04 April 2024
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