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Catch Up - Session Two

Time stamps below the videos indicate the start of each presentation or discussion panel. There are also links to speaker slides where these are available

DAY TWO - Host and moderator: Helen Olsen Bedford, UKAuthority

00:01:00: Leveraging RPA and digital productivity technologies to optimise the NHS - Saf Angelo, Assistant Director Digital Productivity, NHS England
NHS England’s Digital Productivity programme focuses on accelerating the adoption of evidence-based technologies to improve productivity across the NHS and social care. Saf Angelo will introduce evidence-based digital tools such as RPA, Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS). We will hear how these tools can be – and already are being – used effectively to improve productivity, enabling the NHS to deliver care and treatments to more patients, improve the quality of care, reduce the burden on the workforce, save time, lower costs, reduce waste, and increase patient and staff satisfaction. The session will highlight the resources available to NHS bodies, and the lessons learned by those that have already adopted RPA - freeing up frontline time worth up to £12.5 billion a year – almost 10 per cent of its annual running cost (Download slides)

00:13:00: Delivering an Intelligent Automation service and building a Centre of Excellence for success - Scott Attreed, Applications Delivery Manager, Norfolk County Council 
An overview of Norfolk County Council’s automation initiatives, its journey so far and what’s next (Download slides)

00:27:00: Making automation reusable - Ian Roddis, Digital Director, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Holly Hall Hare-Scott, Senior Partner, TPXimpact
This session will cover what can be achieved from a focused automaton program, what drives innovation and ROI, and how can this program be successfully replicated (Download slides)

00:46:00: Automation - Leonardo Tantari, Chief Digital Information Officer, Leeds City Council and NHS (Leeds) West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Automation in the city of Leeds 

1:04:00: Q&A and panel discussion - all speakers


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