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UKA Live: Outsource, insource or smart source... What's best for the public sector?


Join us live at 11:00 on 3 December to explore UKAuthority's latest research into how the public sector can get the most from 'smart sourcing' - or 'right sourcing' - its technology infrastructure, applications and services


Following a recent UKA Live webcast exploring how organisations can take back control from previously outsourced and managed services, UKAuthority has been conducting research with the wider public sector on what is working best for them in terms of managing and future proofing their digital infrastructure. Thanks to support from Rackspace, the report will identify and highlight common successes, challenges and developments in finding the right balance when sourcing the technologies upon which our modern public sector depends.

UKAuthority will discuss the headline research findings, key themes and emerging lessons with sector thought leaders and experts during a live webcast on 3rd December 2019. 

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