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Keeping our citizens' data safe



The UK is now a digital nation, relying on the smooth operation of secure networks, technology and data. Protection of this infrastructure is critical to the country and there is growing awareness of the potential consequences of the cyber attacks now facing our public services on a daily basis.

UKAuthority's Helen Olsen Bedford joined NHS Digital, Socitm and Microsoft in the studio to discuss how working together can better protect the public sector from cyber threats.  

On the panel:

  • Geoff Connell, Socitm President and CIO for Norfolk County Council
  • Andrew Haywood, Senior Project Manager - Data Security Centre, NHS Digital
  • Stuart Aston, National Security Officer, Microsoft

Further information:

NHS Digital’s Custom Support Agreement with Microsoft is available for use by health and social care organisations across England. For more information contact the Data Security team at NHS Digital: [email protected]
For more information on Microsoft’s cyber security services contact: [email protected]

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