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Nottinghamshire councils win award for digital mental health support


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Ceren Clulow (right) and colleague
Image source: Nottinghamshire County Council - Ceren Clulow (right) and colleague

Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council have won a national award for the website, which helps young people find mental health support.

They picked up the Local Government Chronical Technology Award last week, with the judges saying: “The reach of this programme will have a positive impact on many residents and has the potential to transform lives.”

Nottinghamshire Council said the NottAlone website has been developed by young people, parents, carers and professionals from its own and Nottingham City Council teams, NHS trusts and other local partners.

Its cabinet member for children and young people, Cllr Tracey Taylor, said: “NottAlone is the result of collaborative working across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and I’m really pleased to see that it has been recognised with this award.

“Making sure young people and families have easily accessibly information and advice for mental health support all in one place is at the heart of this project and this is a really proud moment.”

Individual winner

In addition, Nottinghamshire’s Ceren Clulow (pictured above, right) won the Outstanding Individual Contribution award for leading the 5G Connected Forest project. This is developing 5G connectivity to the area around Sherwood Forest with three uses cases on: boosting the visitor economy; robotic environmental management; and preparing the workforce for the adoption of 5G.

Cllr Keith Girling, cabinet member for economic development and asset management, commented: “She has led the 5G Connected Forest project, which is a world first in terms of researching the potential for 5G applications in a forest setting.

“The funding Ceren secured to make this unique research happen has also boosted our county’s reputation for cutting edge technology to help tourism and the environment.”

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