Cumbria rebuilds infrastructure with Objective
Cumbria County Council has been using an external collaboration platform from Objective Corporation in rebuilding its roads, bridges and power infrastructure in the aftermath of last December’s Storm Desmond.
The company said it was already a partner of the council’s ICT department, and was able to provide its Objective Connect solution for secure email and large file transfer to support the work. It enabled the programme manager and his team to complete and share reports quickly to support the rebuilding work, making them easy to access while complying with security protocols.
The council also uses the solution for its legal service, archives management and health care and community services.
Merseyside claims broadband success
Merseyside Connected, a partnership between five local authorities and BT, has reported to have trebled the number of homes and businesses using fibre connections in the area.
It said that 21% of homes and businesses have now signed up to its package, compared with 6% a year earlier, and that it is available to almost 60,000 in total.
Liverpool’s Mayoral lead for energy and smart cities, Councillor James Noakes, said: “I welcome the progress that has been made under the Merseyside Connected scheme, which has clearly benefited many people. We are absolutely determined to build on this work in order to maximise investment and business growth by continuing to explore options for further improving digital connectivity in Liverpool and across Merseyside.”
Mid Yorks Hospitals take Cito
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has taken on the Cito digital healthcare platform from Civica to provide a real time single view of patient information.
The supplier said the move could save the trust up to 19,000 hours of staff time per year by saving an average of 30 seconds off administration time for every patient interaction.
The trust has previously been using Civica’s WinDIP solution for the online sharing of paper records between its three hospitals.
NHS.UK Beta produces diabetes tool
NHS.UK Beta is working on an online ‘planner’ for type 2 diabetes, aimed at helping patients learn more about and cope with the condition without being swamped by excessive information.
A blogpost describes it as a single “surface” of a service, rather than an online application, and says it joins up systems from across the health service that can exchange information. It has been developed to enable the patient to understand the basics of the condition first, then find routes to learn more relevant to the specifics of their condition.
It has been subject to two research sessions with a small group of users and, the blog says, has produced positive responses.
Image: Liverpool skyline, public domain from Wikimedia