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Liverpool 5G leader wins industry award

Ann Williams
Image source: Liverpool 5G Create

Liverpool 5G Create’s council lead, Ann Williams, has been awarded the Best Individual Contribution to 5G Industry Deployment Award at the UK’s 5G Showcase Awards.

The awards organiser said she has won the award for her work driving forward deployment and recognition of 5G technology across the UK.

Williams has been leading the Liverpool 5G Create project, which has built one of the largest 5G private-public networks in Europe to support the delivery of public service technologies – notably for health and social care – and reduce the digital divide in the city.

It offers the public sector the connectivity, data support and low latency as mobile network operators, but without the data costs. The team does not manage a legacy of older technologies, 3G and 4G, which is said to provide agility and the ability to deliver a better service level agreement than is commercially available for uses in health and social care.

Williams’ day job is commissioner and contract manager of adult social services at Liverpool City Council, is a member of the UK5G Innovation Network Advisory Board.

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