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HMRC retains Equal Experts for tax platform


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Image source: Ozer

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has agreed on a new £6 million contract with technology consultancy Equal Experts for support of the Multi-Tax Digital Platform (MDTP).

The company will continue its role in providing problem solving and technical design services using various systems and coding languages for solutions relating to the MDTP.

It is a short term deal, reportedly to run until next April, awarded without a call for competition due to technical reasons due to the award notice.

MDTP is hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud as a platform for HMRC’s digital services. It is used by various internal teams and has evolved to handle new functions since it was set up 2014.

Equal Experts has a significant role in supporting HMRC digital systems, having last year won three contracts with a total value of £37.2 million for risking search data discovery, platform services and advanced analytics.


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