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Defra signs Equal Experts to support digital delivery


Mark Say Managing Editor

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The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has signed digital delivery consultancy Equal Experts for application development services in a range of its activities.

They have signed a two-year contract - called off under the Digital Specialists and Programmes procurement framework - which began in March with a value of £74 million, with the option for a one-year extension that could take the value to £111 million.

According to the contract award notice, it covers work to support Defra’s responsibilities in areas including environmental resources management, farming, floods, trade and borders and its science capability,

The more detailed contract document also indicates the inclusion of work on marine issue, legacy application and corporate services, and cross-cutting business services.


It involves projects including alpha and beta deliveries, non-agile software development, the implementation or enhancement of commercial off-the-shelf packages, and delivery options analysis.

The contract strengthens Equal Experts’ position in central government, coming a few months after its contracts with HM Revenue and Customs for platform services and to support its Multi-Tax Digital Platform.


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